
구글 크롬, 보안허점을 막기 위해 새 업데이트에서 인텔 하이퍼스레딩 사용하지 않음

많은 cpu에서 가용 스레드가 반으로 줄어버리므로,
만약 사용하고 싶다면
performance 가 하이퍼스레딩 사용. conservative 가 사용안함.

다음 컴퓨터는 라이젠으로 갈 이유가 하나 늘었군요.

Microarchitectural Data Sampling on Chrome OS

(CVE-2018-12126, CVE-2018-12127, CVE-2018-12130, and CVE-2019-11091)

Vulnerability Impact
Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS) is a group of vulnerabilities that allow an attacker to potentially read sensitive data.  If Chrome processes are attacked, these sensitive data could include website contents as well as passwords, credit card numbers, or cookies. The vulnerabilities can also be exploited to read host memory from inside a virtual machine, or for an Android App to read privileged process memory (e.g. keymaster). See below for affected devices.

Chrome OS Response
To protect users, Chrome OS 74 disables Hyper-Threading by default. For the majority of our users, whose workflows are primarily interactive, this mitigates the security risk of MDS without a noticeable loss of responsiveness. Chrome OS 75 will contain additional mitigations.

Users concerned about the performance loss, such as those running CPU intensive workloads, may enable Hyper-Threading on a per machine basis. The setting is located at chrome://flags#scheduler-configuration. The "performance" setting chooses the configuration that enables Hyper-Threading. The "conservative" setting chooses the configuration that disables Hyper-Threading.

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